Published by an old curmudgeon who came to America in 1936 as a refugee from Nazi Germany and proudly served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He is a former law enforcement officer and a retired professor of criminal justice who, in 1970, founded the Texas Narcotic Officers Association. BarkGrowlBite refuses to be politically correct.
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Sunday, February 20, 2022
Boater who fell into Pacific Ocean helped by seal on his 5-hour swim back to safety
A sea urchin diver was stranded in the Pacific Ocean but was fortunately guided by a seal who helped him stay alive
Scott Thompson's life was saved by a sweet seal when he was stranded in the ocean
A California
man had a near-death experience after falling off his boat into the
Pacific Ocean. He survived with the help of a harbor seal who guided him
on his five-hour swim back to safety. This incident, which happened in
late January 2022, is now going viral!
Scott Thompson, a sea
urchin diver, plunged from his boat into the Santa Barbara Channel in
the middle of the night. Thompson was in a hopeless scenario since he
couldn't see the beach, which was miles away, and he was only wearing a
T-shirt and shorts in the freezing coastal waters. He said, "I thought
to myself, great, this is how I'm going to die. Today is the day I'm
going to die." As he had left the boat’s engine on, it sped away from
him. As he began to swim closer to it, it kept going farther and this is
when he started panicking. Scott said, “And I just started swimming as
hard as I could, towards the boat, and it really didn’t take too long to
realize like, it’s getting farther, I’m not getting closer.” He
realized it was a “pretty heavy situation” and all he could think about
was his family and wanting to get back home. He said, “I was devastating
myself, through my mind, just picturing my girls and my son growing up
without me, and my wife, you know, not having a husband to support her.”
This pushed him to swim
and try to reach the boat somehow. But it kept going farther and
farther out, making him feel like it was the end for him. But then, a seal popped up, changing his life.
Scott said that all of a sudden, he heard a big splash. Scott imagined the worst and assumed it was a shark
and felt his heart leap. But it was actually a seal that popped out of
the water to give him the boost he needed to survive. He said, “Just
then, a little seal popped its head out of the water right next to me,
and looked at me like, 'Dude! What are you doing out here?'” This made
him feel like his “best buddy” had arrived to give him the motivation to
swim. After swimming for 5 hours, Scott finally reached an oil
platform. He recalled the moment, saying, “It started getting brighter
and I’m just like, I’m crying. And I’m like, shouting at the sky.” As
soon as he arrived on the platform, he was given the first aid before he
was sent to the hospital to treat his hypothermia.
A seal popped up and made Scott feel like he could swim a little further
Scott who got his life back thanks to the unexpected encounter with
the seal wrote in a post, “I’m a believer that there is a higher power
now. I don’t know what it is, but there is a power greater than me. That
was shown to me and I will never doubt that for the rest of my life.”
Twitter fans have also reacted to his story and have been sending him
good wishes. One user wrote, "Wow, am happy for the survival soul....
God will keep His protection over you and your household”. Another user
wrote, “Wow! A seal! God was watching over him. I’m glad there was a
happy ending.” If you want to help out Scott Thompson, check out his GoFundMe page to give him support in rebuilding his boat.
Every once in a while you hear about something like this. It is nice to know that animals are often more human than humans.
Did his boat sink?
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