By Bob Walsh

It seems that mobs of teenagers fighting each other,
often with pepper spray or more conventional weapons, and jumping on
innocent bystanders just for fun, is called a Mall Brawl and is becoming
commonplace in the environs of the People's Republic of San Francisco.
Three such incidents took place within three days at various malls,
including the Stonestown Galleria, which is actually a fairly nice
place, or at least used to be.
Supervisor Joel Engardio voiced the opinion that the SFPD is down 500
officers from its needed strength. The current strength is 1,537
officers. The department wants to have 2,182.
in 2020 Mayor London Breed diverted $120 million from the cops to warm
and fuzzy programs. Homicides surged 20% in 2020 compared to 2019.
(Gee, I wonder why.) They increased another 17% in 2021. Also the SFPD
has one of the crappiest homicide closure rates in the country for
large city departments. For many years it was THE crappiest.
the end of 2021 Mayor Breed backtracked and made an emergency request
of the Board of Supervisors for more money for the PD. They are now
finding out the hard way that more money does not necessarily get you
more cops in the current political environment.
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