Thursday, March 23, 2023


The Rest of Us


By Trey Rusk



Primary view of object titled 'Confederate Memorial, Galveston County'.The Confederate Memorial outside the Galveston County Courthouse is not going to be removed


I'm tired of hearing about WOKE areas on the news.  The East and West Coast Cities are rotting on the vines.  I don't watch the local television news because it's slanted towards the left agenda.   I seek my news from local sources such as I-45 Now.  They provide local news and information for the Clear Lake and Galveston County communities in Texas. With 145,000 followers and an average monthly viewership of 3.8 million, i45NOW has the largest viewership of any media platform in the Galveston Bay Area. These new internet streaming news services are locally owned and report the area news without including their views.  

You get what you vote for. We constantly hear about WOKE areas and their lack of services. We strongly support our law enforcement.  Our police still respond to emergencies and there is no Bond Reform in our county. We even send cops to assist on the border.

The WOKE crowd came in for a short while and videoed our law enforcement.  No one in the courthouse gave a shit, so they left. Some folks even wanted to remove a Historic Civil War Statue from the courthouse lawn. Guess what? It's still there because no one paid any attention to the Rebel Rousers. These WOKE folks thrive on attention. If they don't get it, they leave. Our Sheriff was asked why he didn't comment. The reporter called him a man of few words. The WOKE folks left.

We had a major school shooting in 2017.  Outside news touted GUN CONTROL!  Nobody gave up their guns and our DA isn't giving up on prosecuting the shooter.  The shooter is locked up in the Looney Bin, but our prosecutors continue to seek competency hearings.

Are we crime free? No.  No place is, but we're better off than most areas because we voted for the government we wanted.  The criminals know where the county line is and that's the way we like it. 

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