It is a warning to conservatives everywhere: The rise of woke progressivism, amped by social media, threatens the future of democracy. The Israeli Left now is acting to circumvent free elections by trying to take down Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s popularly chosen majority government, just as the American Left acted to take down Donald Trump’s presidency. In a way, it is like seeing Hamilton or Les Mis on Broadway and then, two years later, seeing it again in Los Angeles, only with a different cast but the same songs, the same costumes and staging.
In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu plays Donald Trump. Yair Lapid, the dubious opposition leader, plays Nancy Pelosi. The Israeli Left plays Antifa, closing down airports, violently assaulting members of parliament at their homes. Israel’s TV news channels 11, 12, and 13 play CNN, MSNBC, and another MSNBC. The Ha’aretz daily plays the New York Times (they wish). Maariv and Yediot Aharonot play the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times (they wish). And both countries’ productions are financed by George Soros and Friends.
There are some differences. Instead of Hillary Clinton saying that Trump did not really win, Yair Lapid and his cohort say it of Bibi. Instead of Democrats calling leading Republicans fascists and Nazis, the Israeli leftist opposition calls Netanyahu and his cabinet ministers Hitlers and Nazis. It has a special ring when Israeli Marxists and woke extremists call Jewish patriots Nazis.

The one moment of comedy saw Israeli high-tech leftists, the parallel to America’s high-tech left, act to crash the Israeli economy by pulling millions of their dollars out of the country and depositing it elsewhere. The comedy? The woke deposited their cash in Silicon Valley Bank. Idiots. Before long, they were begging Netanyahu for his government’s intervention to help them get their money back to Israel. Jerks.
Former Fed chief Ben Bernanke publicly warned Israel that, if it proceeded with its desperately needed reform of its corrupt, extreme-left Supreme Court system, the country would face a serious economic downgrade. Israel’s credit rating has held steady anyway, but only a few days after Bernanke warned Israel, Moody’s dropped America’s credit rating as the SVB debacle unfolded.
In both countries, the leftist media mob instantly joined the fray, giving undue publicity to the Left’s opposition, beefing up demonstrations by giving them inordinate and sympathetic coverage and even advising viewers and readers of the time and place of each upcoming demonstration. Consistently one-sided editorials, consistently one-sided discussion panels offered consistently one-sided information. Opinions couched as dispassionate news. The other side’s perspective buried in the middle of long articles. “Experts” chosen for quotations disproportionately chosen from the left. Personal hit pieces on the right.
The left wanted Netanyahu locked up for years because he received a gift of valuable cigars and Champagne from an acquaintance
In America, as Trump took office, he soon was under a multi-year investigation for a Russian conspiracy that never happened. One Trump investigation after another, now even post-presidency. In Israel, crazy multi-year investigations aim at locking up Netanyahu for actions that never before were illegal in Israel. He received a gift of valuable cigars and Champagne from an acquaintance; they want to lock him up for years. He negotiated political quid pro quos, classic political horse-trading that all politicians do, and they want to lock him up. When his relatives gave him family gifts to help him pay for his mounting legal defense expenses, the dictator of an attorney-general and the extreme leftist Supreme Kangaroo Court ruled he had to give the money back to his family.
In America, a wacko attorney-general, Merrick Garland, would tag parents as “domestic terrorists” for expressing concern that schools are trying to shove perverted transgenderism down their kids’ throats at age 6. In Israel, a wacko attorney-general barred Netanyahu from discussing a highly volatile issue regarding the corrupt Israeli Supreme Court system, and he therefore could not help mediate a fiery national debate over the way the Supreme Kangaroo Court has been corrupted there since the mid-1990s and needs to be restored to a proper institution of justice, with the kangaroos sent back to Australia.
And the Supreme Courts. In America, the Left loved the Supreme Court when it was in the hands of the extreme Left during the Warren court of the 1960s and through the next half-century. Whatever the Democrats could not legislate through Congress, the Left brought before the court and let it legislate it instead by fabricating laws that accorded with its feelings. Thus, for example, Roe v. Wade. In Israel, the same: The Israeli Left cannot win elections there anymore. The electorate has become solidly right-wing and religion friendly for decades, dating back a half-century to Menachem Begin’s earthshaking electoral stunner over Shimon Peres in 1977. Throughout the past four years, Israel has conducted five national elections, and the Jewish Right soundly defeated the Jewish Left each time. The Right typically carried the Jewish vote by 10 or more points over the Jewish Left. However, neither side could claim an outright majority of Knesset seats because three Arab parties that are dedicated to destroying Israel also compete in the elections and usually win just enough Arab votes, approximately 10 percent of the total, to prevent either side from attaining an outright majority. The Arab Muslim parties are so dedicated to destroying Israel that they refuse to join government coalitions.
Finally, the most recent election broke the deadlock, and Bibi emerged with a coalition that has a 64–56 conservative, pro-religious majority in the 120-seat Knesset. But the Left still owns the unelected and perpetually self-selecting Supreme Court, key to Israel’s leftist Deep State, that has been fabricating leftist laws and issuing leftist rulings for the past 30 years. When Ariel Sharon uprooted and expelled 8,500 Jews from Gush Katif in 2005, handing the area to Hamas to create a terrorist entity in Gaza, the uprooting entailed abandoning synagogues for Arab Muslims to desecrate and incinerate. It forced Jews to dig up thousands of deceased relatives who had been buried at the cemetery in Gush Katif. The extreme leftist Israeli Supreme Court approved the expulsions. But when the Israeli government has tried to reverse Arab Bedouin construction of illegal homes in the Negev, built without permits, the Kangaroos of that Court have stood with the Bedouin. They approved Sharon having peaceful protesters, even peaceful children, arrested during the Gush Katif uprooting in order to get them out of the way and to break up the anti-government demonstrations. Most recently, they allowed Lapid, a temporary caretaker prime minister who was designated to sit briefly between the fall of the prior government and the inauguration of Bibi’s new one, to hand over to Lebanon and, thus, Hezbollah, Israeli territorial waters in the Mediterranean along with untapped natural gas resources explored and discovered by Israel. Lapid, in violation of law, refused to present his giveaway to the Knesset for approval by elected representatives. And the Court Kangaroos ruled that he could do it autocratically without getting Knesset consent. Lapid is Israel’s shortest-ever-serving prime minister. He lasted there for some four months.
In America, after a half-century, the Supreme Court finally attained a conservative majority. Immediately, the Left wanted to pack the court with six more Obama judges. In Israel, the court cannot be packed because the corrupt system gives the extreme leftist justices determining control and veto power over who next gets to be a justice. So they keep it solidly left, and they even have implemented leftist cancel culture to prevent even a respected leftist, the late Ruth Gavison, from becoming a justice because, even though she shared their ideology, she opined that the selection process should be opened up and made fairer. So they kept her out.
Observers cannot get honest reports or truth from news media, not about the Trump presidency and not about the current historic effort in Israel to democratize the Supreme Court and end the tyranny that has been called a judocracy. Soon, Trump may or may not be indicted for one bogus crime or another, and Bibi has been. This is the way of the Left. They preen and virtue signal about loving democracy, but they make darn sure that, regardless of election rules and vote outcomes, conservative voters cannot enjoy the opportunity to have their elected representatives govern.
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