By Bob Walsh

The United States has withdrawn
from (abandoned) it's embassy in Sudan. That being said several other
countries have also done so, including Saudi Arabia, who started the
ball rolling.
Some 12 years
or so back the U. S. supported the idea of breaking off South Sudan
from Sudan in some hopes to bringing stability to the area. It didn't
work. Both Sudan and South Sudan are involved in serious internal
violence which is for all intents and purposes civil war.
combination of long-term drought, poverty and two high level officials
of the former government fighting over who will be the big dog is
tearing Sudan apart. The violence and stupidity are rampant.
far it appears that the U. S. is being smart enough to stay the hell
out and let the locals sort out their own problems. With luck it will
stay that way. Damn shame for the locals, but we've got enough problems
of our own that we don't need to buy into theirs too.
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