By Bob Walsh
Brandon Johnson is the new (and
still uber-liberal) mayor of the crime ridden shithole of Chicago. Just
before the beginning of the Memorial Day weekend he gave a speech about
how wonderful Chicago is and how the cops have a plan to keep everybody
safe over the long weekend.
They had 53 people injured by gunfire. Eleven were fatalities.
Welcome to Chicago. INCOMING.
(I wonder if the stupid bastard though anybody would believe his bullshit.)
would think the 40 or 50 honest, law-abiding citizens of Chicago would
get together and try to do something about the bullshit. Or just move
out and let the place crash and burn like Detroit.
Of up elect stupid, you get stupid.
1 comment:
Crime pays and when there is no alternative to make a decent living other than crime then crime flourishes. Contraband sells. No matter what it is. The market for opioids is down, because of fentanyl is literally everywhere. I'll bet if the FDA were to analyze prescription opioids they would find fentanyl has been substituted. Fentanyl works better than opioids on pain and to get high. Tons of the stuff is being smuggled in. Senior citizens still cross the border for cheap drugs. A Mexican Doctor will write an Rx for $20. Your Rx for most pain meds has been substituted with fentanyl. It may read Norco but it's not and in most cases you never know. I remember being assigned to work with the drug squad. Most of their cases were made from watching white kids in Daddy's car pull off the MLK ramp and in 10 minutes pull out of the hood. Drug cops would knock it down for weaving as the kids cut up the drugs for use and resale. We would seize Daddy's car. Mostly juveniles, high school brats would be turned over to parents with a promise to appear. In the hood, Mama would be watching a new big screen TV and hide cash in the sofa. Hood kids were in running gun fights over territory, guns, girls or simply BS. Their boss seldom walked the streets. They even kill each other at funerals. These criminals may be uneducated but they're not stupid. The best movie ever made about drug crimes is Traffic made in 2000. Don Cheadle and Michael Douglas starred in it. As real as it gets.
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