The Palestinian Authority is no longer viable
The PA's failure to control its territory has forced Israel to make increasingly frequent raids on PA territory in order to try and root out the terrorists taking refuge there. The current security situation is untenable, which is one of the reasons the PA has to go.

Israelis shouldn't want the PA to endure either. Some say that the PA's security coordination with Israel is vital for stopping terrorism. But clearly, it hasn't worked very well as Israelis experience an average of 5,000 terrorist attacks per year.
Moreover, the Palestine Center for Strategic Studies recently released statistics showing that about two-thirds of the terrorists who have died in the recent wave of terrorism in Judea and Samaria are from President Abbas' Fatah party, and most of them were members of the PA's security forces. So, if most of the recent terrorism that Israelis have had to suffer from comes from Abbas' PA, why should Israel allow the PA to continue existing?
Israel should replace the PA and take complete control of its territory so that terrorists in Judea and Samaria have no place to take refuge. Once Israel has done this, the Israeli government should immediately set about building a new Palestinian authority from the ground up, just as the Allies rebuilt Germany after deposing the Nazis.
One of the first things Israel should do after that is revamp the Palestinian education system, which now brainwashes Palestinian children to hate and murder innocent Jews. Palestinians, young and old, need to be taught to live in peace with their Jewish neighbors and accept the existence of the State of Israel. Otherwise, there will never be peace.
It will very likely take a long time, but once the Palestinians learn to live in peace with their Jewish neighbors and stop committing acts of terrorism against them, they can gradually be given more autonomy. I stress the word "gradual" here because Israel must never again make the same mistake it did when it signed on to the Oslo Accords and gave the Palestinians way too much autonomy than they were ready for.
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