By Bob Walsh
For what they may be worth to
you, these are my thoughts on the 2024 election. I have no Magic 8 Ball
or other inside info, this is just me thinking and "talking."
Joe Biden has a major health issue he WILL be the Democrat-Socialist
candidate for 2024. If for no other reason than to protect his son and
his family, and thereby himself, from criminal problems. I believe he
is thoroughly corrupt. I am talking Spiro Agnew corrupt. I COULD be
wrong, I don't think I am.
democrat machine will work to SMASH RFK Jr. out of fear he will be a
real threat to Biden. I suspect this is to some extent the same sort of
mental idiocy that lead Dick Nixon to go after McGovern. The only way
RFK Jr. could be a "threat" to Joe is if Joe strokes-out three days
before the convention, in which case his interest in the whole thing
will be greatly diminished.
Trump will NEVER hang it up. He truly believes he was robbed last time
around and wishes to cement this belief. Trump supporters will vote
for him even if he ends up running from prison. Every indictment
cements his position with his base. Trouble is, his base will not give
him 50% +1. Unless Biden gorps out but is still standing on election
day the never-Trumpers and fence stradlers will likely (IMHO) deny Trump
the presidency in 2024, assuming he gets the nomination.
has a real likelihood of beating Biden. He problem will be in beating
Trump without totally alienating the Trump crowd to the point where they
say FUCK IT and stay home (or vote for a third party candidate, which
is the same thing more or less). I would be happier if he would stop
running against Mickey Mouse and start running against Joe Biden.
Democrats have no bench. Mayor Pete or Kamala the cackler? Get real.
I am fairly sure Gavin Newsom gets a hard-on every time he sees Biden
walk down a staircase. IF Joe Biden were to drop dead or become
obviously and undeniably incapacitated three days before the
Democrat-Socialist convention Newsom could (reluctantly of course) be
convinced to accept a draft. That would also get rid of Kamala as the
Pres and the V P can not both come from the same state. This is not an
unrealistic possibility, merely an unlikely one.
I think it is LIKELY to be Trump and somebody vs. Joe and Kamala.
We are way too early for firm notions. That being said these thoughts seem reasonable to me.
I think a Ron DeSantis / Nikki Haley ticket would be very, very hard to
beat. But then again the RNC is unlikely to ask my opinion.

If Biden is reelected, I predict that within two years Kamala will be the president
1 comment:
I believe Biden is sinking fast. President Trump has a good chance of winning because the more revelations that are uncovered on the Biden Crime Family the stronger Trump becomes. The more trumped up charges that are filed against President Trump the stronger he becomes. The Clintons are out this time. Kennedy has thrown the Democrats a thin life line. DeSantis and Haley may come from behind as the also ran in this race. I firmly believe that the Tranny situation will have a negative effect on Democrats because folks are tired of Transvestite Policies being forced upon them. When Biden centered a Pride Flag on the Whitehouse, it did not go unnoticed.
I believe Budweiser showed Americans that they still have a voice. I know a young man that wanted to join the Military. He decided against it when the recruiting office began displaying PRIDE banners.
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