Monday, November 11, 2024


By Howie Katz

The US military cemetery at St. Laurent-sur-Mer, Normandy, France

The Normandy American Cemetery, near Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer, containing the graves of 9,386 dead American soldiers

November 11 is a day our country is supposed to honor those Americans who served in our armed forces, especially those who served during a time of war. 
On this day, Donald Trump should stay out of sight,

Trump is a not only a Vietnam war draft dodger, but he has dishonored those who lost their lives or were taken captives while fighting for our country.
During the Vietnam war, which lasted from 1957 to 1975, more than 58,000 U.S. military personnel lost their lives and more than 300,000 were wounded in combat. Trump's father made sure his son Donald would not be among them.
Trump's multi-millionaire daddy paid some sorry-ass doctor to make up a fake bone spur diagnosis that would give Donald a medical deferment from the draft.
That 'bone spur' did not keep Trump from traversing golf courses during a time when golfers still walked from hole to hole instead of riding in a golf cart. 
Worse yet, the draft dodger dishonored true war hero Joh McCain for being captured by the North Vietnamese. 

McCain was a fighter pilot during the Vietnam war. In October 1967, he was shot down over Hanoi and captured by the North Vietnamese while seriously wounded. 

This is an undated file photo of Sen. John McCain, lying injured as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. It was among 4,000 photos and documents given to a U.S. delegation by Hanoi. McCain was a U.S. Navy pilot downed in Vietnam in 1967. 
John McCain lying injured as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.
McCain was a prisoner of war until 1973. During that time he was tortured by his captors. The North Vietnamese wanted to release him early for propaganda purposes because both his father and grandfather were U.S. Navy admirals, but McCain refused to be freed out of turn.
On July 18, 2015, Trump said this about John McCain: "He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured." 
Had McCain been killed when his plane was shot down, Trump still would not have considered him a hero.  

In 2018, according to members of his staff, Trump did not visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, near Paris because, "Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers." They also claimed Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood during WWI as "suckers" for getting killed.
Those U.S. troops who died, were wounded or taken prisoner while fighting for our country are true heroes ... Trump is a true asshole.

When I cast my ballot for Trump, I did not vote for hm, I voted against Kamala Harris.


Anonymous said...

A lot of people have said bad and false things about President Trump. Both of my son's are disabled veterans. One of them is a police officer and the other one works out each day with the use of a service dog. They like the majority of the registered voters voted for President Trump. My sons know that President Trump is a true Patriot. However, it appears that saying or writing mordacious, terrible things about President Trump is shared by BGB with liberal celebrities, socialists, liars and unprincipled dolts.

BarkGrowlBite said...

As far as you are concerned, I should have said Trump volunteered for the army during the Vietnam war, but was turned down despite his strenuous objections because he had a bone spur. Also I should have said that Trump praised McCain for his service and called him a true American hero. And of course, because Trump always speaks well of people, I should have said reports that he called fallen soldiers "losers" and killed Marines "suckers" had to be bald-faced lies. Sorry, but I do not have my head stuck up Trump's ass.

Anonymous said...

No. You should have simply said, "Happy Veteran's Day" and left out the malicious attack.

bob walsh said...
