Wednesday, January 22, 2014


The Mexican government and the DEA have been trying to capitalize on the Sinaloa Cartel boss’ three weaknesses – beautiful women, desire for luxury and abuse of underlings

It will probably be his love for beautiful women that will bring down Mexico’s most notorious and powerful drug lord. An ex-girlfriend or jealous current girlfriend will sooner or later rat Chapo out.

Searching for the capo by his weaknesses

Borderland Beat
January 20, 2014

Chapo Guzmán is known to have three Achilles heels: beautiful women, the desire for luxury, and the abuse of his operators.

His love of beautiful women and taste for luxury is well reported, but it may come as a surprise to some that Guzmán is a horrible boss. Those employed by the Sinaloa cartel capo are treated poorly.

The last two federal administrations have used those three weaknesses in conducting their search for Chapo Guzmán, Mexico’s most powerful drug lord.

In a document prepared by the Security Institution, integrates biographical data of 22 members of Guzmán’s family circle, 21 of his operational circle and 27 of his circle of protection.

The federal government has also collected banking data, information of shopping habits, television, internet and satellite information, while commissioning a police task force to track the capo in the “Golden Triangle”.

However, in the past 13 years since his escape from Occidente Prison in Jalisco, all efforts by the government have been unsuccessful in apprehending the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, who seems to possess enough counter-intelligence to calculate and circumvent the strategy of the government.

According to a federal report, in the last decade, Guzmán has remained primarily in inaccessible areas of the “Golden Triangle”, in 6 locations of Sinaloa and 12 locations of Durango.

For the last five years, the government has only detected Guzmán in two urban areas, Culiacán, and Los Cabos, Baja Sur. At both locations, he managed to escape near apprehensions.

In both cases it was his weakness, when it comes to women, which nearly cost him his freedom.

In the Biography “El Chapo” it describes love relationships between Guzmán and 7 women, of which 6 he has had children with. The seven women are;

Emma Coronel Aispuro, currently his wife and mother of his youngest children, twin daughters, Karla Pérez Martínez, Griselda, Lopez Perez, Adriana Trejo Retamoza,, Maria Alejandrina Salazar, Blanca Esthela Peña García, Agustina Cabanillas Acosta.

One near miss was in February 2011. He travelled to Punta Ballena in Cabos, a trip which included his; pilot, assistant, Maio Hinojosa Villegas, cook, Maria Luisa Macias and mistress (since 2010) Agustina Cabanillas. Missing capture by minutes, the operation to catch Guzmán was initiated by intelligence acquired by the DEA.

One can add another element of weakness, that may cause his inescapable downfall, his poor health. Recently there were unconfirmed reports of his seeking treatment for a cardiac event that caused him to seek help at a hospital. The PGR agency is continuing their investigation of the incident, one made aware of by the DEA agency while monitoring conversations between narcos in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

What is not in question is that he does suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and reports of recent weight lost was attributed to an attempt to improve his health.

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