Thursday, February 18, 2016


Sanders smears cops by promising to keep them from shooting unarmed black men and describing their presence in black neighborhoods as “occupying armies”

Bernie Sanders has sunk to a new low.

“Together, we are going to end the horrors that we have seen time and time again on TV of unarmed African-Americans being shot and killed by police officers.”

That’s what Sanders told students Tuesday at predominantly black Morehouse College in Atlanta. He also described the presence of cops in black communities as “occupying armies,” meaning the police are an occupying force that suppresses the civilian population.

How disgusting! Sanders’ bid for black votes has him making cops look horrible by implying that they go around shooting unarmed black men. And instead of praising the police for trying to protect the people living in black neighborhoods, he describes them as occupying armies. You can’t get any lower than that.

Sanders and Hillary Clinton will say anything to get the black vote and both are courting anti-Semitic, race baiting Al Sharpton for his endorsement of their candidacies. All politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike, will say anything for a vote, but courting a charlatan like Sharpaton is really disgusting and shameless.

Oh, something just occurred to me. Black votes matter only if a high percentage of blacks turn out to vote, as opposed to a small number of whites. Blacks make up only 13 percent of this country’s population, but they vote almost exclusively for Democrats.

Since the white vote is split up between the two major parties, a large black voter turnout can make the difference between victory and defeat. If only 50 percent of the eligible white voters would get up off their dead asses and vote, a 100 percent turnout of black voters probably wouldn’t count for shit!


Anonymous said...

The black cities are getting what they asked for. No police presence.

bob walsh said...

But professional students, professional liberals and professional sponges just LOVE his ideas. They don't give a shit about actual consequences, it just FEELS cool. That is what liberalism is all about, feeling better about yourself. Fixing actual problems doesn't matter in the slightest. In fact making them WORSE doesn't matter, as long as you FEEL GOOD that you tried and therefore feel MORALLY SUPERIOR to the troglodytes.