Friday, February 12, 2016


The family of a homeless man shot dead by LAPD in Venice has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Chief Beck and the city of deep pocket angles

In Venice during the month of May 2015, LAPD officer Clifford Proctor shot dead 29-year-old Brendon Glenn, a homeless man. A video and witnesses indicate that Glenn was shot in the back as he was lying face down on the ground. LAPD Chief Charlie Beck has recommended that Officer Proctor be criminally charged.

Now Glenn’s family has filed a lawsuit against Chief Beck and the City of Los Angeles for his wrongful death and the excessive force used against him.

Glenn may very well not have deserved to be shot, but come on, where was his family when this homeless man needed them? It looks to me like the family and their attorneys see Glenn’s death as a winning lottery ticket with a big payoff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot of times the families have tried to reach out to the homeless. They refuse to return. There was a Houston PD officer in the aviation division that walked away from it all and became homeless. Officers that dealt with him were always surprised when the homeless bum showed them his badge and ID. His family brought him home multiple times, but he always left. He died homeless on the street. Sad but true.

The homeless problem grew because society stopped taking care of the mentally ill. Now we put them in jail or under an overpass.