Sunday, March 26, 2017


by Bob Walsh

The formerly great state of California is working very hard indeed at marking California a more inviting place for criminals. A new proposal will grant additional "good time" credit to most prisoners for doing just about everything except sucking air, and I am not sure that isn't included.

These new proposal allow prisoners to seek parole after they have served their base term, regardless of sentence enhancements which often equal or exceed the base term. For instance, you can do time for armed robbery and then have a LOT of years tacked on for possession of a firearm and for being armed in the furtherance of a criminal street gang. This proposal would essentially ignore the sentencing enhancements (assuming the parole board goes along, which they might or might not).

Criminals will also get an additional three months off their sentence for completing a college degree, in addition to the three months already granted. They can also get up to one month per year for participating in various self-help programs.

The idea is to keep the prison population below the 137.5% of design capacity that various court orders demand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Send them home to their Mothers. They will straighten them out. Oh, I forgot that they didn't do such a good job the first time they had them.