Thursday, October 18, 2018


Actor Gary Busey appeared on Wednesday’s Dr. Phil show and talked about his cocaine addiction and motorcycle crash brain injury

Gary Busey has always been one of my favorite actors. On Wednesday he appeared on the Dr. Phil show. He talked about his addiction to cocaine and warned the audience, “Don’t use cocaine!” He also talked about his near fatal motorcycle accident which left him brain injured.

After watching the show, I came away with an even greater appreciation of the actor that many people think is crazy.

Nevertheless, I thought I’d have a little fun with Gary by having him give the commencement address at Sam Houston Institute of Technology. Here is Gary’s speech:

Graduates, faculty and guests, it is indeed an honor and privilege to address the graduates of Massachusetts Institute of Technology … What, you mean this isn’t MIT? Sam Houston Institute of Technology? Shit, I’ve never heard of this fucking school. And I gave up a gig at Cal Tech to speak at what I thought would be MIT. Oh well, what the fuck, here gores. This works for any school.

Graduates as you go out into the real world with your degrees … I hope you didn’t waste your fucking time with Gender Studies … you will find out what it’s like to work for a fucking living. No more of those booze and pot parties you had at those fraternity and sorority houses. Whatever you do, above all, don't use any cocaine! ... That is, if you don't want to get fucked up. If you fail to make good, you can always go back to living with and mooching off of your momma and papa.

I know that all of you will appreciate it if I make this a short commencement address. So I’ll close by saying, if you didn’t like what I’ve just told you, fuck you! And to those of you behind me on this stage who invited me to this God forsaken place, fuck you too!


Trey Rusk said...

That's Gary!

Anonymous said...

Busey didn't do to bad for someone who is batshit crazy from Baytown.