Wednesday, May 12, 2010


by Gil Ronen
May 11, 2010

Noted lawyer and Israel advocate Professor Alan Dershowitz said Tuesday that Israel's biggest problem are Israel-bashing Jews like Norman Finkelstein and Gilad Atzmon. He said some people live on what he calls “Planet Chomsky” -- a reference to the Jewish ultra-leftist MIT professor who has met Hizbullah's leader Nasrallah.

Dershowitz explained that Israel's Arab enemies employ a “dead baby strategy.” They want to induce Israel to kill as many Arab babies as possible so that they can use the photos of the babies in their propaganda.

Dershowitz spoke during a Tel Aviv University symposium titled "Delegitimization of Israel as a Strategic Threat.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: In the same speech, Dershowitz slammed Rachel Giora of the linguistics department, Anat Matar of the philosophy department and Shlomo Sand of the history department, three left-wing faculty members of TAU who have backed boycotts against Israel. That led 80 faculty members to send a letter to the university’s president charging that Dershowitz’s remarks constituted an attack on academic freedom and bordered on “incitement."

Dershowitz then issued this statement: "Let the public judge whether the petition correctly characterizes my talk and whether it borders on 'incitement' or is itself an example of the kind of free speech many on the hard left would like to stifle."

I’ve often pointed out that left-wing academics in the United States, some of them Jewish faculty members, have been among the harshest critics of Israel. Now it appears that the same holds true for leftist Jewish academics in Israel. Among the Jewish state’s enemies, the left-wing ranks right up there with Israel’s Arab enemies.

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