Monday, December 20, 2010


A retired state law enforcement officer reacted to the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ like this:

The 2010 lame duck session of congress has eliinated Don't Ask, Don't Tell. In the near future openly homosexual persons may serve in the U.S. Military. Guess What? They were already there and most of their colleagues probably knew who they were.

However, some gay and lesbian groups may feel that this victory could be a stepping stone to becoming a protected class such as Race or Color, National Origin, Sex and Religion. This could be a slippery slope. What if Sexual Orientation was added to that list?

I worked for a state agency that used to promote by giving points to minority employees based on EEOC protected classes. You would be competing with someone for promotion who would automatically begin the process with a huge point lead because they were a member of more than one protected class.

My question is: Would someone fake being a homosexual to be a member of a protected class?

Example: After 35 years of working in private industry you see your old boss playing golf. This was the same person who claimed to be a homosexual and had been promoted numerous times in part because of extra points he received since he claimed to be a member of a protected class. His total earnings and retirement were a million dollars more than yours. On his arm was a young blond bimbo who called him "Sugar" and kissed him passionately.

Upon seeing this you ask: "I thought you were a homosexual?" He replies: "I used to be gay. Now I'm not."

Protected Class? You decide.

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