Monday, December 06, 2010


Israel’s catastrophic forest fire claimed at least 41 lives, devastated one of Israel’s few forests and caused an enormous amount of damage to that tiny nation before the flames were finally brought under control.

While the Arab street celebrated the death and destruction, Egypt, Jordan and some other Arab governments offered to aid in fighting the fire. Jordan sent some of their firefighters and equipment.

Turkey has bombarded the world with a constant barrage of anti-Israel rhetoric ever since the botched boarding of the Gaza blockade runner Marmara at the end of last May. Nevertheless, Turkey still saw fit to dispatch some fire fighting helicopters to Israel.

Even the Palestinians, who hate Israel with a purple passion, sent a contingent of firefighters to help fight the fire. One has to ask the question: Was this a genuine gesture of goodwill or was it just a ploy to gain an advantage in the ‘peace’ process?

The Middle East is truly meshuggeneh (yiddish for crazy)!

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