Monday, August 15, 2016


By Bob Walsh

A very interesting thing happened in Franklin, Ohio a couple of days ago involving the cops and a 7–year-old boy. The cops did not beat the kid up, arrest him or shoot him in the back as he was running away. They bought him lunch.

The cop’s attention was called to the situation when the child was trying to sell his teddy bear on the street. He asserted that he had not eaten in several days, and apparently looked it. While they got him some grub they send a couple of colleagues to the kid’s house and found other children, no food and a godawful mess. The parents did not even realize the 7-year-old was missing.

The Warren County Children’s Services Agency has placed the children, all five of them, with relatives. The court has ordered that the parents have zero contact with the children. The parents, Tammy and Michael Bethel, have been charged with five counts of child endangerment, all misdemeanors.

The parents should be starved for a few days, locked in a cell with the walls covered in cat pee, and then both sterilized, with inadequate anesthetic and dull scalpels. (I don’t have any children and don’t even much like children, but I detest people who have them and then mistreat them.)

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