Wednesday, August 10, 2016


By Bob Walsh

Linda P. B. Katehi was the Chancellor of U. C. Davis until earlier today when she was forced to resign. She has been under investigation for being an idiot since April when she was put on paid leave.

She spent a ton of money (taxpayers money) to pay an internet reputation repair firm to try to bury stories and photos about the U. C. Davis P D hosing down protested with pepper spray at her direction. She later got her butt in a crack when it was revealed that she had a couple of side jobs, one with a text book publisher and one with a private for-profit university. The students spazed over those and started an active campaign against her.

The investigation revealed that Chancellor Katehi had been less than candid in her interviews with investigators over her violation(s) of policy and she was shown the door. Besides her well-paying gig and palatial home that goes with the job she ran up a significant bill on travel expenses, some of which seem to be at best only marginally related to her actual job.

In any event that is one less arrogant incompetent asshole on the public payroll.

EDITOR’S NOTE: An educated idiot bites the dust. Good riddance!

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

I should have noted that she is still a tenured professor and will stay on in that capacity. My bad.