Saturday, July 07, 2018


by Bob Walsh

The two guys blamed for the notorious Ghost Ship fire in Oakland that killed 36 people have both copped pretty good pleas, one getting about nine years and the other one about six, with credit for well over one year time served. They will do it in the county, not the state.

So now comes the REAL mess, the civil suits. The victim families are of course suing EVERYBODY. The landlord, the city, and Pacific Gas & Electric.

Alameda County Judge Brad Seligman has ruled that the suits against both the City of Oakland, the property owner and PG&E can continue forward. Alameda County is no longer a defendant.

This is likely to cost both the City and PG&E a ton of money, although I must admit myself I don't see a lot of liability on the part of PG&E but then again I am not a lawyer.

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