Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Feel-good doctors are warning that some of the football team may never be able to swim, be in the dark or rooms with closed doors ever again

As soon as the first boys were rescued from that Thai cave, the feel-good doctors piped in with their predictions of gloom. The head shrinkers are warning that some of the football team may never be able to swim, be in the dark or rooms with closed doors ever again. They also predict the boys would face PTSD or depression months after they are rescued.

These are the same clowns that have made head shrinking a cottage industry. They predicted that the kids in Bosnia would suffer long-term traumatic effects from that bloody war. They didn’t.

The resilience of kids has been demonstrated time after time, a fact apparently overlooked by the psychologists and psychiatrists that are making such dire predictions for the cave boys.

I predict that shortly those boys will be playing soccer again. And they will be sharing stories about their adventure with eager-listening schoolmates.

Society would be far better off if some of these shrinks would crawl back under the rocks from which they come.


Dave Freeman said...

Thank You.

I share your distain for the majority of these "professionals." The advice they dispense is often worse than useless. It's harmful.

bob walsh said...

Now all of them are out. Kids can be remarkably fragile, or remarkably resilient. Some may simply dig the notoriety. Predicting doom and gloom is a good way of ensuring doom and gloom. When I was a kid fellow students died and the school was not descended upon by hordes of "mental health counselors" to help us get thru it. And mostly we turned out OK.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Bob, I was going to mention the absurd practice of flooding a school with counselors any time something traumatic occurred.

Just like you, when I was in school this just did not happen. My high school had one counselor whose job was to help students get into college or to prepare them for life after school without college. When something traumatic happened, we just sucked it up. There were a number of such moments and none of us ended up in Babbling Brooks Farm.

The head shrinkers have done an outstanding job in succeeding at proliferating their numbers in our schools ... a great waste of money at the taxpayers' expense.