Thursday, July 05, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Maxine Waters is a well-known and little-respected congresswoman from California. She is said to be so stupid that she sleeps at night in her office because she is not smart enough to find her way to work in the morning otherwise. I have doubt about that, I am sure she has some flunky to drive her. That being said there is no doubt that she has the I.Q. of a dog turd.

In any event she has just cancelled two events, one in Alabama and one in Texas, due to what she describes as hostile mail and one serious death threat. (I wonder why hostile mail should bother her. She has urged fellow liberals to verbally assault republicans while they have dinner with their families in public places.) I guess she can throw mudballs but when they come her way she pisses herself.

In any event threatening to actually kill people (assuming her assertion is accurate) is both counterproductive and stupid. I would encourage people to not do it.

EDITOR'S NOTE: What does that tell you about the people that keep reelecting Waters if she has the I.Q. of a dog turd.


Dave Freeman said...

Howie, you beat me to it with your editorial question/note. I am simply confounded that she is continually being re-elected.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Dave,many of her constituents are poorly educated, can barely read and write or do simple math, but they think the bitch is doing a fantastic job representing them.

Dave Freeman said...

That's a sad commentary on our times.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Dave I just saw where best selling author Jerry Oppenheimer has written a book about Ethel Kennedy in which he said she called black workers "stupid niggers."