by Bob Walsh
Some time ago the formerly great state of California started making it possible for illegal aliens to get driver's licenses. I admit that, at the time, I had mixed feelings. I have tangled at least once with an unlicensed, and therefore uninsured, illegal alien driver.
One legit side of the argument says that they are going to drive anyway so we might as well make it possible for them to be licensed and insured. The other side says they are here illegally, why should we make them half-assed semi-legal by official state government actions? Both sides have their valid points.
There is currently an initiative drive under way that would, if successful, place the question on the 2020 ballot in California. The initiative would also eliminate the current "sanctuary state" status law and also end the idiotic automatic voter registration practices in CA, which makes voter fraud incredibly easy.
More than 1 million drivers licenses have been issued to known illegal aliens in CA in the three years it has been legal. Since that happened there has been a reduction in hit-and-run accidents in CA, but an increase in vehicle related deaths of 10%. It is not clear what causal relationship, if any, is represented there.
The initiative is being pushed by Don Rosenberg, whose son was plowed under in San Francisco by an unlicensed driver who entered the country illegally but had since been granted temporary legal status.
I wish him luck. I will be happy to sign the petition when I see it.
1 comment:
Care to venture a guess whether this will pass?
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