Friday, July 06, 2018


by Bob Walsh

On July 3 a woman happened to stop in a gas station with the SUV and two rugrats inside. I strongly suspect she left the key in it and the engine running, but the news article does not say for sure.

An as-yet unnamed bad guy jumped into the vehicle, presumably behind the wheel. The mother then jumped into the front passenger seat and expressed her desire that the bad guy not steal her car with her kids in side. The bad guy indicated lack of concern. The mother grabbed her gat from the glove box and shot him in the head, causing a minor traffic incident involving a telephone pole.

Neither the woman nor children were injured. The wannabe kidnapper-car jacker is in the hospital, in serious but stable condition. Too bad she didn't shoot him twice instead of just once, it might have saved the county the cost of the trial.

Since it happened in Dallas I can't imagine the police will be overly concerned with the issue. In CA the woman would probably be prosecuted for child endangerment and having an unsecured gun in her vehicle.

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