Wednesday, August 08, 2018


by Bob Walsh

The Complex Fire is a pair of fires burning in the Mendocino area. The two fires are about to converge and are managed as one fire. The fire now covers just about 300,000 acres, roughly the same size as Los Angeles County, making it the largest fire since they have been keeping track of such things.

The state has currently run thru close to 30% of its yearly wild fire fighting budget and we are less than six weeks into the fiscal year. There are currently 17 significant fires burning in the state, one of which has closed down access to Yosemite Park. Fire fighters are being imported from Australia and active duty U. S. military personnel are being assigned this week to fire fighting duties. People nowhere near the fires are waking up with a layer of ash on their cars.

It is getting really, really nasty out there.


Trey Rusk said...

Firefighters from Galveston are leaving for California today. I hope their shots are up to date.

bob walsh said...

By the way, obviously that is Los Angeles CITY, not County. My bad. Too much Green Death while editing.