Saturday, August 11, 2018


by Bob Walsh

David Gaut, 54, was by any reasonable definition not a nice man. In 1985 he was convicted of murdering his girlfriends 17 month old rugrat. He got out of the slammer last November after doing 33 years. He somewhat unwisely moved back to his old area, figuring people would let bygones be bygones. He figured wrong.

Three local men are now under arrest for murdering Gaut. I guess they don't like men who torture and kill babies and figured that 33 years in the slammer was insufficient punishment. I wonder how the Brits feel about jury nullification?

EDITOR'S NOTE: The Brits don't have to worry about jury nullification in murder cases. In the U.K., capital punishment for murder was abolished in 1965 and completely abolished in 1998.

1 comment:

Dave Freeman said...

Another example of why we need the death penalty for certain heinous crimes. When victims (or friends or family members of victims) feel a perpetrator has gotten off lightly they will sometimes take matters into their own hands. It's human nature. So now the UK gets to pay out for three more trials and imprison three more killers.