Tuesday, August 07, 2018


by Bob Walsh

The police department of the People's Republic of Berkeley, CA. actually arrested some people over the weekend. They had the dubious honor of hosting dueling demonstrations. A relatively small group of "anti-Marxists" were having a demonstration in Civic Center Park. They were confronted by a larger group of anti-Fa thugs who asserted that the "anti-Marxists" were in fact white supremacists and therefore fair game for attack. Many of the Antifa thugs were wearing all black and wearing masks, to make it harder to identify individual members of the mob.

The AntiFa thugs threw fireworks at the cops. The cops responded with rubber bullets and started arresting people. They seized items being used as weapons, including hammers and rocks. A total of 21 cars were vandalized. A total of 17 people were arrested.

EDITOR'S NOTE: It never fails to amaze me how few people are arrested when a mob of far-left thugs attacks a group of far-right nuts. And I mean not in California only.

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