Saturday, August 04, 2018


That stinks: Florida man, 41, dumps bucket of human feces and urine inside 7-Eleven after the manager kicked him out

By Minyvonne Burke

Daily Mail
August 3, 2018

A Florida man seeking revenge on a store manger who kicked him out dumped a bucket of human feces and urine on the floor, authorities said.

Damian Simms walked into a 7-Eleven in St Petersburg around 1.30am on Wednesday and emptied the bucket containing human waste on the floor. Police said some of the feces and urine splashed onto merchandise valued at $28, according to the Smoking Gun.

Simms was reportedly upset that the manager had him booted from the convergence store in late May for trespassing.

Authorities said Simms gathered his bucket waste by scooping it out of a nearby porta-potty.

Officer Donald Ziglar said in his report that Simms may have been under the influence.

Simms was arrested on Wednesday, but apparently isn't fazed by his most recent run-in with the law. He is seen with a big grin on his face in his mugshot.

He was charged with trespass and criminal mischief, both misdemeanors. He's being held at the county jail on $300 bond. Upon his release, he is barred from contacting the 7-Eleven or its manager.

Simms is a convicted felon and has a long rap sheet which includes convictions for burglary, weapons possession, animal cruelty, grand theft, loitering, drunk driving, carrying a concealed weapon and disorderly intoxication.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

I've walked into convenience stores that smelled worse.