Saturday, August 04, 2018


'I'm ready to accept my punishment': Man, 31, who sexually assaulted his baby boy before stomping on his head says he WANTS to die and is waiving his appeals to speed up execution

Daily Mail
August 2, 2018

A Texas man who has been sitting on death row for seven years for molesting then killing his three-month-old son, says he's 'ready to accept' his death.

Travis Mullis, 31, has filed a motion to waive his appeals and fire his attorney, hoping to expedite his execution after he was sentenced to death in 2011.

The horrific incident took place in 2008 when the then 21-year-old father molested his infant son Alijah then stomped on his head when he wouldn't stop crying.

'I’m guilty of what I did and the death penalty is the legally justified and, I believe morally, sentence for what I’ve done. I'm ready to accept my punishment,' he said to Fox on Wednesday.

Hours before he harmed his son, he took a friend's eight-year-old daughter to her school's playground with the intent of molesting her. When she started crying he took her home then turned to his son.

'He started crying. I tried to console him. I thought it would work, but it didn’t work. I sexually assaulted him and killed him. I put him on the side of the road and stomped on his skull until it collapsed,' Mullis said.

Speaking shortly after his arrest he said that morning he was having flashbacks of his own childhood sexual abuse and was worried he might hurt Alijah.

This isn't the first time's he's tried to expedite his death.

In the past he waived his direct appeal after being sentenced to death.

In a previous interview with the Houston Chronicle he said he wanted to die as soon as possible.

'I support my death sentence and want it carried out ASAP. I was sentenced to death, not indefinite detention,' he told the paper via letter.

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