Saturday, August 18, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Governor Moonbeam of the formerly great state of California has two pet projects. One is his toy train which is right now set to have not-particularly-high-speed service between Buttcrack and South Buttcrack in the central valley pretty soon, maybe, if the wind blows in the right direction. His #2 pet project is a plan to steal massive amounts of water from NorCal so his buddies in SoCal can have nice golf courses.

As of right now they are asserting that the project will budget out at $20 billion. Last year they were guesstimating $16.3 billion. They still don't have funding, still don't know if it will be a one-bore ripoff or a two-bore ripoff, and still don't know who is going to buy the water they steal and who will not buy the water they steal.

Right now Moonbeam and his pimps are touting the notion that this theft will "improve" water flows thru the Delta by having less water flowing thru. They don't explain quite how that is supposed to work.

Maybe they should buy a shitload of tanker cars for the High-Speed Rail boondoggle and use rail cars to ship water south. That sounds like a good idea, doesn't it?????.

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