Saturday, August 18, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Public education in the formerly great state of California sucks ass. Big time. High school graduates are, generally speaking, illiterate and unable to do basic math.

The state legislature was seriously looking at a MANDATORY high school level ethnic studies class. You HAD to take it and pass it to get your diploma. Nobody gives a shit if you can read or write but you have to know something about ethnic studies. There are now ELECTIVE ethnic studies classes in many school districts. Participation is about 1% of those eligible.

The state is no longer looking at this requirement. NOT because it is a stupid idea but rather because it will cost about $400 million that the state wants to piss away on other programs, like Jerry's Toy Train.

I am so glad I went thru school in CA when they actually believed students should be able to read, write and do basic math in order to graduate. They go at it backwards now. If the tenth grade students can only read at third grade level, they buy them third grade level text books.

The state screams about the new economy and tech jobs and they crank out students who can not fill out a job application or balance a check book, let alone read a MSDS or essential production safety material. .

1 comment:

Dave Freeman said...

Bob, when you and I went to school in California, that state had the best schools in the nation. Such a shame they have allowed this to happen.