Tuesday, August 14, 2018


by Bob Walsh

As you may recall the Ghost Ship fire was an incredible debacle in Oakland, CA. In December 2016 36 people died in a fire in an illegally converted warehouse in Oakland during a music event. The city had been aware of the illegal conversion for a LONG time and took no step to shut it down.

Derick Almena and Max Harris were the two big shots of the artistic collective that rented and converted the space (without the hassle of permits, inspections and other legalities).

Last week the judge rejected the very generous plea deal that would have given them nine years (Almena) and six years (Harris) total for the 36 deaths.

The building had jerry built wooden staircases, inadequate and unmarked exits and no smoke detectors under other minor flaws. You can bet a lot of people, including a lot of Oakland government people, are sweating their butts off right now. When you get 36 dead people, mostly young adults and teenagers in a situation like this, the people who looked the other way are now going to be sending a lot of time looking over their shoulders. With massive justification.

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