Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Palestinians (Again) Try to Get Israel Kicked Out of the UN

Israel Today
August 14, 2018

The Gaza border region is finally quiet, but the diplomatic war between Israel and the Palestinians is still raging.

Israel Foreign Ministry sources told the Ynet news portal this week that they had thwarted yet another attempt by the Palestinians to get Israel kicked out of the United Nations, at least temporarily.

The move, according to the Israeli diplomats, was similar to the successful effort to have South Africa suspended from the UN during Apartheid. The Palestinians argued that Israel's new Nation-State Law, which enshrines its identity as the "Jewish state," had made it no better than the former South African regime.

In fact, the scheme was doomed to failure. In addition to needing a two-thirds majority in the General Assembly (which they could possibly achieve), the Palestinians also needed the backing of all five permanent members of the Security Council, including the United States.

For most, it goes without saying that such a proposal would be vetoed by US President Donald Trump before the Palestinian representative delivering it could even get half-way across the room.

Even so, for the motion to achieve a successful two-thirds majority in the General Assembly would still be a major diplomatic victory for all of Israel's antagonists. As such, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon is working closely with his American counterpart, Nikki Haley, to ensure this and any similar motion are thoroughly defeated in every venue.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

France wanted very badly to have the UN headquarters in Paris. I say let them have it. We can turn the current UN building into low-rent housing. Alternatively we could move it to an abandoned oil rig in the North Sea. That way the members could actually concentrate on their work. And they could all walk to work.