Sunday, August 12, 2018


Now Omarosa says Trump is truly a racist, but shortly after she was fired she told ABC News that Trump is not a racist

In her book ‘Unhinged’, Omarosa calls Trump a racist. During an interview on today’s ‘Meet the Press’, she said that Trump is “truly a racist.”

Yet back in December, a few days after she was fired from her cushy White House job, Omarosa told ABC News’ ‘Nightline’:

“Yes, I will acknowledge many of the exchanges, particularly in the last six months, have been racially charged. Do we then just stop and label him as a racist? No.”

So, the president was involved in racially charged exchanges. What else can one expect when every single day, media reports are racially charged. Therefore, if Trump is racist, so is the media. The bottom line is that shortly after she got fired, Omarosa then said Trump is not a racist.

And in another TV news interview after her firing, Omarosa was asked, “Do you think this president is racist?” Her answer:

“Absolutely not. I would never sit nor work for someone who I believe to be a racist.”

So, according to her, Trump is absolutely not a racist and Trump is truly a racist. Either way, Omarosa is a big liar!

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