Wednesday, August 01, 2018


Mia Khalifa Says Her Breast Implant Was Deflated By Rogue Hockey Puck at Stanley Cup Game

By Lindsay Kimble

July 30, 2018

Former porn star Mia Khalifa has a unique and painful souvenir from this year’s NHL playoffs.

In a new interview with the U.K.’s Daily Star, Khalifa — now the cohost of podcast Sportsball — revealed that she’ll undergo reconstructive surgery after allegedly being hit by a flying hockey puck earlier this year.

“I was sitting behind the glass during a game, and it came shooting over the glass and it caught me so off guard and I had no idea it was coming,” said Khalifa, 25. She added to the Star, “I grabbed my chest and I didn’t want to let go, because I felt like if I did let go blood was going to be everywhere.”

Khalifa noted to the outlet that pucks are “really heavy,” and speculated that it was traveling at about 80 mph. when it allegedly struck her.

“My left breast is slightly deflated now and I will be getting it fixed next year,” she said.

EDITOR’S NOTE: As a longtime hockey fan, I am a little skeptical of Mia’s story. Those 80mph puks almost always fly at the end of a rink and the fans sitting at the rink ends are protected by a net. Fans sitting in the first few rows along the sides are protected by a glass wall. Occasionally pucks fly over the glass along the sides, but not at anywhere near 80mph.

Having said that though, getting hit by a puck even at say 10mph can do major damage to a hockey game spectator. And if right on target, it can give a gal a flat tire … I mean flat innertube … err, that’s flat boob.

Whatever the speed, Mia is lucky she didn’t get hit in the mouth because that hard rubber biscuit would have defanged her.

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