Sunday, August 12, 2018


by Bob Walsh

A Montgomery County N. C. woman never made it back from her walk Thursday due to a fatal dog attack.

When the woman did not return her husband and neighbors went out to search for her. After a while they called the cops. Her body was found on a little used road. She had been mauled to death. Two local pit bulls were found in the area with physical evidence linking them to the attack. The dogs have been quarantined and the dogs owner is cooperating with the investigation.

I have on two occasions pulled a gun on a human being. I never had to fire. I have on three occasions pulled a gun to deal with an impending dog attack. In two of those three occasions I did have to fire.

There is about one fatal dog attack per week in the U.S. A couple of months back a woman was killed by a family group of wiener dogs. Family pets are sometimes just fine at home but when allowed to run loose with other dogs they can develop a very aggressive pack mentality and do things they would not do otherwise (kind of like humans). You are no less dead because of this.

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