Sunday, August 05, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Yes, there is a move to introduce, or more properly reintroduce, shared ride (rental) electric scooters in the People's Republic of San Francisco. It seems that there is a real fear the 50-year old white guys with bad knees and man buns will hurt themselves by being stupid and falling off the damn things.

The scooters, which can do up to 15 mph depending on how much of a lard-ass the passenger is, cost $1 plus 15 cents per mile to rent. You use a smart phone app to unlock and rent them. The medicos in S. F. say they are getting 5-10 significant injuries per week from these things.

Adult riders may legally ride without a helmet and they may be ridden in the street where the speed limit is 35 or less.

Now they need to rig up an onboard smart phone app that will let you monitor and steer around the piles of human shit on the sidewalks there while you are riding.

They are still actively trying to work out rules and laws for the things. One proposal included a requirement that the rider send in selfie of himself wearing a bicycle helmet before the scooter would unlock.


Trey Rusk said...

Why am I not surprised.

Dave Freeman said...

"As California goes, so goes the nation." I heard that phrase 30 or 40 years ago and thought it was pretty cool. Now I'm not so sure.