Wednesday, September 12, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Hurricane Florence is, according to the weather guessers, be even worse than they thought two days ago. They are talking a 12 foot storm surge and 20-40 inches of rain, depending on how lucky or unlucky the denizens of the Carolinas are. The state police have one-wayed some multi-lane freeways to assist in the evacuation of about 1 million people.

They are talking 150 mph winds. If you are not living in a concrete bunker this will give your house a big owie. There are, as one might expect, a few morons who are going to tough it out. I wish them well. The public safety people have said that they will be ON THEIR OWN when the excrement hits the air circulation device, maybe for days.

I guess if you have enough beer, chips and salsa and live in a three story house you might make it, if the house doesn't collapse.

EDITOR'S NOTE: And all the time I thought Flo was a Progressive Insurance bitch.


Trey Rusk said...

Flo is waitress in a coffee shop in Az.

Trey Rusk said...

It appears that we on the Texas Gulf Coast may not be out of the woods ourselves. A lot of rain has fallen and the ground is saturated. More is on the way and a tropical depression may hit the shore this weekend. I'm ready as can be expected with a generator to power both houses, stored fuel, 220 gals of stored water, crank radio, a metal trash can filled with MRE's and canned goods that could last a month or more and just in case, enough personal persuasion devices to go around. I know. I'm a prepper.

bob walsh said...

Don't forget plenty of ammo to repel Democrats and other undesirables.

Trey Rusk said...

Of course. It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Dave Freeman said...

Waiting for Al Gore to get up on his soapbox and start preaching his "global warming the oceans are rising" nonsense.