by Bob Walsh
Ariel Winer is an actor. I am guessing she is not A-list as I have never heard of her, nor David Henrie, the other player in this little farce.
Henrie, 29, was arrested at LAX on Monday because he "forgot" he had a loaded handgun in his carryon. Ms. Winter, who is a gun owner and acts in MODERN FAMILY, said, among other things, " didn't notice the loaded gun in your bag when you packed for the airport????"
Henrie, a Disney actor, has been twitter-apologetic about his faux paus. He was released on $10,000 bail.
I know a cop who several years ago left a gun in a carry on. She was charged in Federal Court and had to pay $750.
It is semi-understandable with a cop. They are used to being normally in possession of weapons. Careless, but understandable. A buddy of mine once had a gun (unloaded) in his back pack when he entered a courthouse. Bad move. They did not prosecute him as the gun was registered to him, had no ammo with it and he did not try to weasel on it. HE did, however, lose the gun. He got off cheap.
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