Monday, October 08, 2018


Actress Rose McGowan - who triggered Harvey Weinstein's downfall - now claims the #MeToo movement is 'all bullshit' and a 'lie to make lily-livered Hollywood types feel better'

By Sebastian Murphy

Daily Mail
October 7, 2018

The actress who kick-started the exposure of Hollywood moguls who allegedly exploited positions of power to abuse women has branded #MeToo campaigners against sex attackers 'losers'.

Rose McGowan accused producer Harvey Weinstein of rape this time last year, sparking an avalanche of allegations in the entertainment industry and beyond.

As stars such as Kevin Spacey and Morgan Freeman were alleged to have assaulted or harassed performers, activists began using the hashtag to share their ordeals online.

But McGowan has slammed the movement as 'bullshit' in today's Sunday Times Magazine, which comes the day after Judge Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice in the face of historic sexual assault allegations he denies.

After year of stars such as Salma Hayek and Gwyneth Paltrow claiming to be vistims of harassment, McGowan has said she understands why Donald Trump supporters hate Hollywood, whose apparent liberalism she says is fake.

On the subject of #MeToo, she said: 'I just think they're douchebags. They're not champions. I just think they're losers. I don't like them.

'How do I explain the fact that I got a GQ Man of the Year award and no women's magazines and no women's organisations have supported me?

'It's all bullshit. It's a lie. It's a Band-Aid lie to make them feel better. I know these people, I know they're lily-livered, and as long as it looks good on the surface, to them, that's enough.'

McGowan was born into the polygamous Children of God Cult and ran away from home in her teens.

She suffered anorexia while in an abusive relationship after she arrived in Los Angeles.

The Death Proof star's early success was on the independent film circuit. But then she met Harvey Weinstein in a hotel room and it is there that she alleges he raped her.

The media mogul is accused of blacklisting the actress after the meeting as well as deploying former Mossad agents to follow her and steal her memoir's manuscript.

McGowan has also hit out at Meryl Streep, saying that it is 'literally impossible' the actress knew nothing of Weinstein's sexual proclivities until last autumn. Streep has denied knowing about the producer's alleged behaviour.

Though she says 'women have a tight to be angry', McGowan says #MeToo activists have 'sold themselves a fiction' rather than face up to the true nature of Hollywood.

McGowan was branded a transphobe after an altercation with a transgender activist in February while promoting her book, Brave.

She thinks Weinstein hired the activist to ambush her at the public reading. Public engagements were cancelled following the row.

Weinstein denies all the allegations levelled at him by McGowan as he faces trial after being charged with sexual assaults.

McGowan also faces trial for possession of cocaine which she has claimed an operative sent by Weinstein planted on her.

She also faces legal action from Asia Argento after claiming an allegation she slept with an underage actor is true. Argento denies the accusation.

In Brave, McGowan argues that feminism hasn't reached Hollywood, where 96 per cent of directors are male. She says the industry's male gaze has little interest in women beyond them being 'fuckable'.

She told the magazine that even watching the movies in question implicates the viewer in the mistreatment.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Ms McGowan is, I suspect, wound a little too tight.