Saturday, October 06, 2018


Kavanaugh’s attack on the Democrats had led to a chorus of voices saying he does not have the temperament for a Supreme Court Justice

Judge Kavanaugh’s opening statement at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing was an angry rebuke of the Democrats. One cannot blame him since the Democrats had set out to destroy him, and collaterally his family. But his outburst has led many notable voices to proclaim he does not have the temperament for a Supreme Court Justice. And that could have turned some undecided Senators against him. Fortunately it apparently didn’t.

My sister has been a bedrock Republican. She worked on the congressional and presidential campaigns of former President George H. W. Bush. She did not like Kavanaughs angry statement and believes it was orchestrated by Trump or one of his close staff members. She says that Kavanaugh sounded exactly like Trump blasting the Democrats at campaign rallies, and not at all like a sitting appellate court judge. She also thinks Kavenough could have made the same points, but in a dignified manner.

While Trump and his family, his base, and I were delighted in how Kavanaugh scorched the Democrats, in retrospect I believe he would have been better served had he taken a dignified approach.

So did Trump orchestrate Kavanaugh’s opening statement? My sister may be onto something.


Dave Freeman said...

So, this is Trump's fault. My. What a stupid idea.

The judge held up amazingly well under the onslaught of accusations. It's easy to sit at one's desk and critique someone's demeanor after their life has been turned upside down from days of attack by hostile inquisitors. Something else to endure such an onslaught first hand.

Dave Freeman said...

Three articles this morning concluding with a slam at our POTUS.

Obsessed much?

Trey Rusk said...

Just look at all of BGB's past posts on Kavanaugh and POTUS. Kavanaugh was just sworn in! Congratulations!

bob walsh said...

Frankly I don't care if Herman Melville wrote it for him.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Dave, Trump is our president. He is my president. I prefer Trump over any Democrat, and most certainly over any Clinton. But that does not keep me from commenting on the stupid things he does. Trump is a jerk, a real jerk, and try as they might, his ardent supporters cannot deny that.

Anonymous said...

I deny that Howie. Now what?

Trey Rusk said...

I'm an ardent supporter of President Trump. I don't think he's a jerk and I wouldn't call him a disrespectful names because he is the President. I think he has done an amazing job. By the way how are your investments doing? Unemployment at an all time low including minority unemployment. Illegal immigration being curtailed. Supreme Court changed for at least 20 years. He may not be a smooth talker, but as you have said many times, "I calls them, like I sees them." He does too.

Trump has done more for this country in 2 years than anyone has done in the past 40 years. He is draining the swamp of career politicians who are working for themselves and not the people. I hope he tackles term limits.

Thanks Dave for pointing out the obvious to BGB about his blog.