Tuesday, October 09, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Four weeks until God Knows What. Will a great Blue Wave crash over the United States? How about a modest Red Wave? Maybe a mixed bag.

My guess, for what my guess may be worth, is that the Republicans are likely to pick up one, two or maybe even three seats in the senate. I also think they will hold on to the house by a dozen or so seats. I could easily be wrong on both counts, but I truly believe (may be wishful thinking) that reasonable people were grossed out by the clearly political hatchet job that the Democraps tried on Brett Kavanaugh, who is by all reasonable accounts a genuinely decent human being. The clear and obvious hypocrisy of the left is wearying, though a lot of people now I suspect get their political news from YouTube of Facebook or the Clinton News Network, so nobody knows what they think is actual, objective reality.

Four weeks is still a long time in a 24-horu news cycle environment. Anything could happen. NASA could find signs of intelligent life in the universe. The Illuminati, ZOG and the CFR might finally get their act together and take over the world. Or the ninth episode of Fast and Furious may come out on election day and nobody under 30 will show up to vote.

Actually that is a sort-of realistic possibility. "Young" people are notorious for missing out on off-year elections and the brie and Chablis crowd could be too busy getting stoned and butt-fucking each others labradoodles to remember to vote.

Vote Early And Often. Remember, Republicans vote on Tuesday. Democraps vote on Wednesday.

Daenerys Targaryen for President in 2020. What the hell. She is an accomplished woman who has a solid vision of what she wants and a good focus on how to get it. She looks good bare-assed naked and on fire and likes animals. Of course she isn't a U. S. Citizen and isn't even an actual real person, but then again neither is Hillary. Makes more sense than Joe Biden, Spartacus of Fauxcahontas.

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