Tuesday, October 09, 2018


The latest hero of the #MeToo movement brought all her troubles on herself

By Howie Katz

Big Jolly Times
October 8, 2018

Christine Ford says that when her scarlet letter was released, her world and that of her family was turned upside down. She has received death threats which forced her and her family to move out of their home. Well, count me out. There are no tears for Dr. Ford here.

The latest hero of the #MeToo movement brought all her troubles on herself. If Dr. Ford wanted to maintain her privacy, why did she run to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo with her attempted rape accusation? Why did she send Dianne Feinstein a letter spelling out the details of her sad tale about being sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh?

Considering her credentials, Ford must be a reasonably intelligent woman. No intelligent person would ever believe that such a letter would remain confidential and buried deep in Feinstein’s bosom. No, no, Ford had to know that her accusations would become public. And her intent all along was to destroy Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Now that Kavanaugh has been sworn in as a Supreme Court justice, maybe the poor woman and her family can return to their home. Then the victim of her own making will be offered a hefty sum by book publishers to write the story of overcoming a traumatic attempted rape to become a respected professor of psychology who was hounded by death threats for doing her civic duty. And of course, she will also be offered a hefty sum by television producers for her story as well. I can see the TV movie now, starring Rose McGowan as Ford and Bela Lugosi as Kavanaugh … No shit, Bela is dead, you say.

Ford has energized the #MeToo movement. She will make millions off of her ordeal. She will be lauded in history alongside of Anita Hill. No tears here for Christine Ford.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

You are just a hater Howie.