Wednesday, October 10, 2018


PM Netanyahu vows to apprehend 'heinous' Barkan terrorist

By Adi Hashmonai

Israel Hayom
October 9, 2018

Israeli security forces will not rest until they ‎arrest Ashraf Walid Suleiman Na'alwa, who ‎murdered two Israelis at the Barkan Industrial Park ‎in Samaria, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed ‎Monday.‎

A massive manhunt has been in place since Sunday for ‎Na'alwa‎, who ‎fled the scene.‎

Speaking during a synagogue dedication at the Ein ‎Keshatot archaeological site in the Golan ‎Heights, Netanyahu said, "We grieve today for Kim ‎Levengrond Yehezkel and Ziv Hajbi, may God avenge ‎their blood. We will catch this heinous killer and ‎we will settle the score. Israeli blood will not be ‎spilled in vain‎." ‎

Turning his attention to the tensions on the Israel-‎Syria border, the prime minister noted, "Today we ‎see what is happening over the border – Iran's ‎attempts to establish a military presence there and the ‎aggression of terrorist fanatics. ‎We will continue to stand strong and determined ‎against all of these.

"Israeli presence on the Golan ‎Heights is a guarantee for stability in the ‎surrounding area. Israeli presence on the Golan ‎Heights is a solid reality based on ancient rights. ‎Israeli presence on the Golan Heights is a fact that ‎the international community must recognize. ‎

"The Golan Heights will always remain under Israeli ‎sovereignty because otherwise, we will end up with ‎Iran and Hezbollah on the banks of the Kinneret [Sea ‎of Galilee]," he said.‎

"Iran and Hezbollah are constantly trying to ‎establish an offensive front from which they can ‎attack the Golan Heights and the Galilee. We are ‎sparing no effort to foil these attempts." ‎

Israel, Netanyahu stressed, "Will continue to act with ‎determination against Iran's attempts to establish ‎an additional front against us on the Golan Heights ‎and in Syria, we will counter all attempts to ‎transfer lethal weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon."‎

He noted he will discuss these issues during his ‎next meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, ‎adding that both have agreed to continue the close ‎security cooperation between the IDF and Russian ‎forces deployed in Syria ‎

"I know that President Putin understands my ‎commitment to Israel's security and I know that ‎he also understands the importance that I – that we ‎all – ascribe to the Golan Heights and to Israel's ‎heritage."

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Smart guy. They tried giving Golan back once and it bit them in the ass.