Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Just Not So Much Any More

by Bob Walsh

The people who follow such things will remember that, about a year ago, SCOTUS decided that the cops could not longer arrest poor people for sleeping in the streets. (They can, however, still arrest rich people for doing so.)

Now, at least in the formerly great state of California, if Assemblyman David Chu (D-S.F.) gets his way, that will prohibit towing poor people's cars for "petty" things like no registration, tons of unpaid parking tickets or parking forever on a public street.

I am not completely sure how they will tell the difference between rich people's cars and poor people's cars. Maybe they will just give EVERYBODY a freebie. It will then be totally impossible to park anywhere near Golden Gate Park because all of the parking there will be permanently taken by unregistered long term "living in the van" vehicles, but what the hell. It will be "fair."

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