Thursday, June 06, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is calling the legislature back in session to consider a package of "gun control" (actually people control) measures, while calling for "Votes and laws, not thoughts and prayers." He is also babbling that he wants every state legislator to go on the record, rather than being allowed to duck tough votes by killing bills in committee. (He probably also wants a blow job from Alyssa Milano. Doesn't mean he is going to get either one.)

Since the shooter purchased his weapons, a suppressor and extended magazines completely legally thru licensed dealers with appropriate background checks, he broke no laws whatsoever up until the moment he entered the public building where he worked while armed. What sort of "common sense gun control bill" is going to stop that I wonder?

Maybe the legislature should propose making MAMMY by Al Jolson the official state song. That should make Northam very happy, take him back to his black-face college days.

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