Friday, July 05, 2019


Remembering President Nixon's infamous July 4th celebration headlined by Bob Hope and Billy Graham that ended with tear-gas, naked protesters and a mass stampede

Daily Mail
July 4, 2019

President Nixon's infamous July 4, 1970 'Honor America Day' celebration was organized under the guise that it would heal the country's deep divisions but in reality, the event was an effort to drum up support for the Vietnam War and his unpopular administration.

The White House bused in 350,000 Nixon supporters from around the country to attend the day of festivities that took place in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

10,000 protestors and marijuana activists organized a counter- demonstration called the 'smoke-in' where they passed around red, white and blue joints, striped down naked and waved Viet Cong flags while singing anti-war chants.

Police attempted to quell the demonstration with tear-gas which lead to a massive stampede.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

That's why I'm always surprised when people say this country has never been as divided as it is today.