Friday, August 23, 2019


The President keeps letting his mouth overload his ass, calling himself “The Chosen One” in his latest faux pas

People may disregard what you say unless you have diarrhea of the mouth, a problem Trump has been having throughout his presidency. In his latest faux pas, Trump called himself “The Chosen One.”

Trump was referring to his trade war with China, saying no one has taken on China until he became president because he was chosen to do so.

Additionally, he quoted conspiracy theorist Wayne Allen Root’s description of him as “The King of Israel” and “The Second Coming of God.”

By calling himself the chosen one, Trump set off a social media shitstorm questioning his sanity and calling for the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment which allows the vice president and a majority of the cabinet members to declare him unfit to serve and remove him from office.

Among those calling for the 25th Amendment are Kellyanne Conway’s husband and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.

I’ve long maintained that Trump’s uncontrolled mouth would endanger his reelection chances, but my Trump-loving friends keep telling me they and his other supporters love what he says. I don’t know, but I suspect some of them are now beginning to have some doubts.

If Trump keeps it up, as he likely will, it may take the second coming of God to save his presidency. And if people are led to believe that he’s unhinged, Trump won’t be the chosen one on election day next year, Joe Biden will then likely be the chosen one.

Is Trump becoming unhinged? I hope not, but his latest outbursts seem rather strange. I’m praying for the second coming of God.


bob walsh said...

I saw the clip. The "chosen one" was a joke. No big deal.

Trey Rusk said...

Fake News. It was a joke. Looks like a lot of people fell for the media bending the President's words again.

BarkGrowlBite said...

I watched it too, and Trump was real serious. You must have been watching through rose-colored glasses. That was no joke! Trump went on to explain why he was the chosen one. And this could turn out to be a big deal.

bob walsh said...

I humbly and respectfully disagree. But your dog is still cute.

Trey Rusk said...

BGB, It's always been my opinion that people see what they want to see.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Fake news? Have you been hiding under a rock, Trey? Trump saying it was on every TV news broadcast, including Fox. But you're right, you see it your way because your Trump-admiring mind wants to see it that way.

Trey Rusk said...

I agree. I just said that people see what they want to see. I love the blue bandana on your dog too.

Dave Freeman said...

Admire Trump? Not hardly. But he's the best we've got by a long shot. The media hates him and is constantly airing and editing snippets of conversations out of the context of the Larger statement he is making. Charlottesville being the most notable exception.

Take a hard look at what the democrats are offering us Howie. Then take off your shit colored glasses and be thankful we've got him.

Dave Freeman said...

And after all...he WAS chosen by the American electorate.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Guys, I've always said that Trump was a far better choice than crooked Hillary. But whether you like it or not, Trump is a jerk or a nutjob, or maybe both. Still, Trump is a far better choice than any of his Democratic opponents.

bob walsh said...

An honest abrasive jerk versus a greedy, self-aggrandizing abrasive criminal. I go with option #1.

Dave Freeman said...

Well Howie, that "jerk or a nutjob" has done far more for this country than the last five presidents combined. So as for me...I will continue to stand by and I will continue to support that "jerk or a nutjob."