by Bob Walsh
The Turks and the Syrians, both acting more or less in unison, launched an attack against the Kurds just about 24 hours after Trump threw the Kurds under the bus. The Kurds have requested air support assistance from their used-to-be allies, us. They were told to kick rocks.
We guaranteed the territorial integrity of the Ukraine when they gave up the nukes they had after the break-up of the old USSR. Russia annexed the Crimea and have more or less occupied a large swath of the Ukraine. We did nothing. Now the Kurds (who helped us big time in that part of the world) are being turned into live targets. We are, thus far, doing nothing.
Is ANYBODY going to trust our word on anything in the near future? I sure as hell wouldn't. I don't particularly want us to continue to be the world's police force, but our word should be good for something.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is Trump's betrayal of our allies, the Kurds. And adding insult to injury, Trump invites Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the White House in retaliation for the flack he's been getting from not only Democrats, but Republicans too. Lindsey Graham called Trump's decision “a stain on America's honor.”
It appears that the reports of Trump giving Erdogan the 'green light' to attack the Kurds are true. Betraual of the Kurds, who fought alongside us for four years against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and shed blood that would otherwise have been shed by American soldiers, is a new low ... it's beneath low!
This is the straw that broke the camel's back. I will not vote for president in the 2020 election. The Democratic candidates are absolutely unacceptable to me. Three years ago, I held my nose when I voted against Hillary. Next year, I won't have to hold my nose because I'm not voting for Trump.
I don't agree with President Trumps decision. I will still vote because even though this is a hard pill to swallow, I believe it is the duty of every American to vote.
I remember a friend of mine who several years ago proclaimed he would only buy American made products. That didn't last one year when his TV went out.
A vote for Trump, whether you love him or hate him, is a vote AGAINST Biden or Pocahontas or Hilary or whoever the far left dreams up at the last minute. Now, you can stomp your feet, throw your little hissy fit, and give it to one of them, or you can swallow hard and vote for The Donald. Personally, I will vote...again...for The Donald. Additionally...this Middle East debacle ain't over yet. Let's see how this shakes out.
There is always a Libertarian candidate. Or a write-in.
No Bob, I'm not gonna write you in. My vote goes to Trump. Again. It's either that or become a citizen of the new Socialist States Of America.
The problem as I see it, is we need to know who our allies are in this very dangerous part of the world. Trump apparently does not.
Trump, like you bozos, doesn't seem to have any sense at all.
You idiots would vote for Hitler so long as he was Republican lololol
You two Anons are welcome to criticize us bozos and idiots. Please feel free to invite your fellow Grits for Breakfast followers to join in. Be sure to give our regards to Scott Henson, just not our best regards.
Anonymous, I have voted for Democrats on many occasions. In fact, I was once named Officer of the Year by the Galveston County Democrats. This year the Democrat field appears to be a bunch of ALSO RANS with poor odds. Don't assume things. It makes you look ignorant.
Actually anon #2 I have been a registered libertarian for many years. I dislike the values (or lack thereof) of the Democrats and the Methods of the Republicans. Also, I have the guts to sign my stuff, rather than take shots from the shadows.
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