Sunday, October 13, 2019


Texas Sheriff Bill Waybourn’s White House comments about criminal aliens

Daily Mail
October 10, 2019

'In Tarrant County, Texas, it's the 15th largest county in the nation, this morning we had 4,200 inmates. Out of that, 7 per cent were illegal aliens.

And they were being held for such offense as murder, sexual assault of children -- there were about 70 of them. And there were robbers in there, and kidnappers, and people who committed arson, and people who were DWI [offenders].

And out of that, you know, you think about that, if we returned them, with this radical ruling out of California where you have a federal judge making law for the nation, or attempting to, it will put our communities in jeopardy.

Of those people that we have in custody, we know for a fact that 72 per cent of them are repeat offenders.

So, if we have to turn them loose, or they get released, they're coming back to your neighborhood and my neighborhood. These drunks will run over your children, and they will run over my children. And if that happens, I know that you will want, and I would want for you, the full force of the law. And immigration is part of that full force.'


Trey Rusk said...

Common sense law enforcement.

bob walsh said...

I believe that something approaching 10 % of the guests of the formerly great state of California are criminal illegal aliens. The state wants the feds to pay for keeping them in custody, but refused to say who they are, where they are, and how many of them there are.